REASON #3 - Sunday School Helps Lay A Spiritual Foundation In The Lives Of Children And Youth
We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did. (Psalm 78:4)
Statistics tell us that today’s average adult Christian became a Christian by age 13. Why is this important? It reminds us of the importance of reaching our children early in their lives for Jesus Christ. If you turn this statistic around, you can see that if we don’t reach our children for Christ by age 13, the odds of them ever becoming a Christian go way down.
From its very beginning over 230 years ago, Sunday school has been primarily aimed at children and youth. Today, Sunday school is for everyone, but there is still a major emphasis on reaching and teaching our kids. We want to see each of our children come to know Jesus as their very own personal Lord and Savior. But, when they do, is that the end of the road? Certainly not! That’s just the start of a life-long walk with Jesus Christ.
One of the primary purposes of Sunday school is to teach our children and youth the lessons of the Bible, and to see them place these lessons in their hearts and in their minds. Then, as they face problems, concerns and temptations later in life, hopefully they will remember these lessons and draw upon their knowledge of what they know God would have them do.
Questions To Think About: How is your church doing in regard to reaching the children and youth of your community for Christ? How could you do better?
Prayer Suggestion: Pray for the children and youth of your church and Sunday school.
A Call To Action: E-mail, text or talk with one or more of the teachers from the children’s department of your Sunday school to thank them for their work and dedication to serving the Lord through this most important ministry.