REASON #9 - Through Sunday School, God’s Work And Will Are Being Done
“All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.” (John 9:4)
Way back in the late 1800’s, John Wanamaker, the famous Philadelphia businessman, also served as Postmaster General of the United States. But, the great man always found time each week to run a Sunday school with over 4,000 scholars in the City of Brotherly Love. Someone once asked Mr. Wanamaker how he found time for Sunday school and he immediately replied, “Why, the Sunday school is my business! All other things are just things. Forty-five years ago I decided that God’s promise was sure, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’”
Why did Mr. Wanamaker feel the way that he did about Sunday school? He loved Sunday school and he loved the people who were there in Sunday school. But, even more important, he loved Jesus Christ and he realized that God’s work and God’s will were being done through the Sunday school.
Do you love Sunday school enough to make it one of the priorities of your week? If you really love Jesus, then hopefully you too will be able to say, like John Wanamaker, “Why, Sunday school is my business!”
Questions To Think About: Is Sunday school a priority in your life? How is this - or should it - be evident?
Prayer Suggestion: Pray for God’s leading in your own life.
A Call To Action: Send a “thinking of you” card or social media message to a friend or someone that you know who is facing a major problem or illness.