(Please Read This Introduction Before You Begin The “42 Reasons Why EVERYONE Should Love Sunday School” Daily Devotional Journey)

Henry J. Heinz, the founder of the Heinz Pickle and Catsup Company once said this, “In my life, it has paid the greatest possible dividend...second only to that of a godly mother.” What was he talking about? Sunday School!

Unfortunately, not many people feel that way about Sunday school today! Does that mean that Sunday school is no longer important? Certainly not! I believe that Sunday school is as important as ever! And, because I believe that Sunday school still is one of the best and most effective ways to teach all persons of all ages about Jesus Christ, the Bible and God’s will for each of our lives, I want to do all that I can to help people see the importance of Sunday school, attend Sunday school each week and share their love for Sunday school with others.

Hopefully, as you participate in the six-week daily devotional journey contained in this booklet, you will become even more aware of the value of Sunday school and see why we should all work to get all persons involved in this very important Christian education program.

Each of the 42 readings in this booklet are related to a reason why Sunday school is important and why you and everyone else should love Sunday school. Each day’s devotional begins with a scripture verse or verses, followed by a reading related to that day’s topic. Following the reading, there are “Questions To Think About,” a “Prayer Suggestion” related to Sunday school, and a “Call To Action.” I sincerely hope that you will take the time to participate in each part of the daily reading and other activities that we suggest.

By the way, the “Call To Action” items have been included as a way to try to get you actively involved in working to help your Sunday school grow and to make it even better and more effective. Many of the “Call To Action” suggestions involve the use of E-mail, social media and the Internet. I really hope that you will give them a try!

Whether you are using the “42 Reasons...” program on your own or participating in a group study using the material, I hope and pray that you will find this little booklet helpful as you grow in your understanding concerning the importance of Sunday school, and as you then work to share your love for Sunday school with others.

Thank you! And, may God bless you and your Sunday school as you as you continue to work for Him!

In His Service,

Rodney L. Pry, 
P.S.S.S.A. Executive Director