Read: Mark:23-28
God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all work that he had done in creation – Genesis 2.3 (NRSV)
Is there anything different or unique about Sunday? Society seems to say that Sunday is like any other day.
When I was a child my parents taught me that Sunday is the Sabbath, a sacred day. For us, that meant Sunday school, worship, and a dinner unlike any other meal of the week. It meant our family shared a quiet day, sometimes punctuated by an outing or a visit with relatives or friends.
A young mother remind me of the Sabbath’s gift when she said her sons know that sports activities are ruled out on Sundays. She wants them to learn to spend that time with God.
I enjoy Sundays when I go for an afternoon walk, alone with God. Those moments remind me that Sunday is special and I look forward to the next one with expectancy and joy.
I hope that my children learn this truth for themselves. Sunday is a fresh beginning that allows us to face Monday with renewed faith.
PRAYER: Lord help us to experience the joy and mystery of Sabbath as we encounter you at worship, at table, and while relaxing. Bless us and help us to see that your presence makes our days holy. Amen.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God gives us the Sabbath for rest and renewal – Ernest S. Lyght (New Jersey)
Reprinted: The Upper Room (Aug, 1997)