ACTIVITY #9 – “The Importance of the
Sunday School Teacher!”
(Read the following section and then answer the “Questions to Think About” listed below.)
Several years ago the Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association conducted a survey of over 400 Sunday school and church leaders here in Pennsylvania and asked them about the problems that their Sunday schools face. The study found that these leaders were concerned about things like “a lack of good Sunday school literature and resources,” “a lack of space and/or Christian education facilities,” “the lack of support from local and denominational church leaders,” “the lack of growth in all ages,” “the shortage of teachers and workers” and “the lack of spiritual growth.” But, tne number one problem that these leaders saw in their Sunday schools was “the lack of training of Sunday school teachers and workers.”
It’s understandable that leaders see the lack of training as their number one problem. In many ways, this problem affects many other things within the same Sunday school. Poor teachers and their lack of effectiveness can affect attendance, spiritual growth, the ability to recruit new teachers, and much more.
As you continue to look for ways that you can help to improve your Sunday school, one of the most important things that we could do is to work to help our teachers improve themselves.
Teaching Sunday school is one of the most important jobs that any person can do. Don’t let your teachers take it lightly. They are working for the Lord. And, as Sunday school teachers, they can affect other people’s lives and even their eternal salvation.
Questions To Think About:
1.What leadership role or roles should the teacher have in the classes of your Sunday school? In the Sunday school itself?
2.Think about an outstanding teacher (in Sunday school, in public school, etc.) that you have known in your life. What was it about that teacher that sets them apart as an outstanding teacher in your mind?
3.Who is responsible for finding the teachers for the various classes of your Sunday school?
4.How many new teachers have you recruited and trained for service in your church during the past year? During the past five years?
5.What does your church do to train and help prepare new or prospective teachers for service in the Sunday school? What should you be doing?
6.What are you now doing to provide continuing education for your Sunday school teachers? What should you be doing?