Listed below you will find the actual messages that are contained in each of our Sunday School TRACTS...

Come Explore

Come... Explore The Bible!

Here are a few interesting facts that you might not know about the Bible...

- The Bible is the world's best seller; 72,000 Bibles are sold each day.

- The Bible is stolen more than any other book.

- There are 783,137 words in the King James Bible.

- The word "and" appears 46,277 times in the King James Bible.

- The longest chapter in the bible is Psalm 119, with 176 verses.

- The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word "biblos" and means "book."

But, an even more important fact about the Bible is that is is God's Holy Word! It is a love letter written by God to you.

By reading the Bible you can learn what's right and what's wrong. You find examples of people who followed God and those who rejected His leading. And, you learn about jesus Christ, His life, the messages he taught and the Way of Salvation that is available through Him.

The Bible is our "handbook for life." It is our guide for day-to-day living. And, it is as important and relevant today as ever.

But, even in modern translation versions, the Bible is quite often difficult to understand and it can often be hard to find passages that directly relate to the problems and concerns of the reader.

That's why it is also very important for everyone to be involved in a good Bible study group or Sunday school class.

The Bible is truly the greatest book ever written and it can provide the greatest possible help and guidance for every person of every age. But, for the Bible to really be the personal guide for your life, you must read it and study it!

So, won't you please join us as together we explore the Bible? There something good waiting for YOU!

Date & Time______________
For more info., call___________

Prepared by the PA State Sunday School Assn.
5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112 

Don’t Forget Sunday School

DON'T FORGET SUNDAY SCHOOL! By Rodney L. Pry P.S.S.S.A. Executive Director I admit it! There are times when I can be quite forgetful. For example, sometimes I forget to take my vitamin pills each morning. When I don't take a list, I often forget something that my wife wants me to pick up at the store. And, I've even walked from one room to another and when I get there, I can't remember why I was going there. I tell myself that my forgetfulness is just a part of getting older or maybe it's because I'm too busy and am trying to do too many different things at once. And, I take comfort in seeing that I'm certainly not alone. I have friends that seem to be even more forgetful than I am. The truth is, we all forget a lot of things. And, if we didn't have date books and "to do" lists, we'd probably do even worse. There are many different things that I might forget, but there's one thing that I don't ever want to forget and that is SUNDAY SCHOOL! I don't want to forget Sunday school because it is one of the most important parts of my week. Even when I was a small child, going to Sunday school was as much of a part of my life as my sisters and me going to school and my father going to work. And, since I was married over 30 years ago, going to Sunday school each week has continued to be a foundational part of our family's weekly activities. I guess you could say that Sunday school has become a habit for me (a very good habit, for sure), but it's so much more than just a habit. I enjoy going to Sunday school and look forward to gathering with other Christians to study God's Word each week. I guess I would really list five different reasons why I don't want to forget Sunday school. First, I enjoy learning more about God, His Word and His will for my life. The Bible is our "handbook for life" and I want to learn all that I can about the many messages that it contains and the central character of the book, Jesus Christ. Second, I enjoy the way you study the Bible in Sunday school. In Sunday school, you can ask questions, discuss, share insights and experiences as together we dig deeper into God's Word. Third, I like the fact that, in Sunday school, people are taught according to their age, education and interests. This is especially important for children, but it also means that persons of all ages can learn about the real world problems and concerns that they face. Fourth, I enjoy being with other Christians. It's important for all Christians to develop close supportive relationships and friendships with other Christians, and Sunday school is one of the best places for these relationships to develop. And, fifth, I enjoy the opportunities for service that are found in Sunday school. Through Sunday school, I can serve God and others. Remembering all that Jesus Christ has done for me, it's important for me to do even more for him. Yes, I believe that Sunday school is as important today as ever, and I believe that it is important for all persons of all ages to be in Sunday school each week! I don't ever want to forget Sunday school. What about you? DON'T FORGET SUNDAY SCHOOL! "Call together all the men, women and that everyone may hear God's Word...and learn to obey His teachings faithfully." (Deut. 31:12) Pennsylvania State Sunday School Assn. 5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112 Phone 717-652-1930

Reasons for NOT Attending Sunday School

FRONT COVER: Reasons For NOT Attending Sunday School!

INSIDE: (blank)

BACK COVER: The truth is... There are NO reasons for not attending Sunday school! Sunday school can help every person of every age learn about God, His Word (the Bible) and how to live their lives in the way He wants. So, attend Sunday school - this week and every week.

The Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street
Harrisburg, PA 17112 

Six Reasons Why I Love Sunday School

1. God's will is being done. Once Jesus was asked what the most important thing was for everyone to do and he said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." (Mark 12:30) In other words, our first priority should be our commitment to God. That's the basis of the Christian life. God wants it to be your first priority, too.

2. God's Word is being studied and taught. More than 220 years ago, the Sunday school movement began out of the concern that every person know and understand God's Word, the Bible. Today, with each of us facing so many problems, isn't it great to know that real help and direction is as close as the Bible? And, isn't it also great to know that help in understanding and applying the Bible is as close as the Sunday school?

3. God's love is being shared. John 3:16 says, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believed in him may not die but have eternal life." Go back and read the verse again, but substitute your name for the word "world." Fully comprehending such love is almost impossible. Still, we are called to love each other with a similar love. Do you love other people enough to share God's love with them and tell them about Jesus Christ? It's one of the greatest expressions of love you'll ever make.

4. God's work is being done. Money, time talents...these have all been given to each of us. They weren't given to us to selfishly keep for yourself, but rather to share with others, just like God shared them with us. In Matthew 25, Jesus said that when we do something for others, we are doing it for him. In other words, one of the best ways to work for our Lord is to use our time, talents and money to help others. God's love is often best expressed by a helping hand.

5. The Lord's Day is being observed and utilized. In the very first chapter of the Bible, God gave us an example by working six days and resting on the seventh. Today, however, most people never even give a thought to "a day of rest." But, as any doctor can tell you, such a pace is very unhealthy. God, in his infinite wisdom, knew that we all need regular times of rest and renewal. Not just physical renewal, but also spiritual renewal. Worship and study within the church and Sunday school should be our first priority every Sunday.

6. God's people are assembled and enlisted. Why should a person be a part of a church? The Bible gives us many reasons. The writer of the Book of Hebrews urges his readers "not to give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more." (Hebrews 10:25a) Encouragement, fellowship and learning...these are only a few of the reasons for being a part of a church. Worship and Sunday school are both important. Be a part of both each week.

PA State Sunday School Assn.
5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone 1-800-358-2303


...Everyone has to make important decisions about things like drugs, alcohol, sex, business ethics, and many, many more.

Each of these decisions could change yur life, depending on the choice that you make.

How can you know how to make the right decision? Making the big decisions of live is not easy, but help is available.

One of the best sources of help and information regarding these important decisions is the Bible! That's right; the Bible contains a wealth of information about what's right and what's wrong, but it doesn't stop there.

The Bible also offers strength, courage, love and more, from God, our Heavenly Father.

Read the Bible. It can guide you in making the decisions - both large and small - that you face.

And, to learn even more about the Bible's message for you, attend Sunday school each week.

Sunday school people are loving, caring people who can help you find the day-to-day guidance that your life needs; guidance based on God's Word, the Bible, and God's will for your life.

Sunday school...It's Real Learning For Real Life!

Scripture passages that offer strength and guidance as you face important choices in your life:
  Romans 13:13-14 James 1:12-25
  Matthew 6:24-34 Mark 13:33-37
  II Peter 2:9 Psalm 23
  Mark 10:17-31 Isaiah 55:1-13
  Matthew 11:25-30 Psalm 37:1-17
  Matthew 22:37-40 Romans 10:9-19

Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street
Harrisburg, PA 17112

SS…It’s Cool


SUNDAY SCHOOL...Make It Your Choice For Life!

Sunday School means different things to different people of every ages.

Here is what a few people have said about Sunday school:

Becky (age 5) - "I like Sunday school. I like my Sunday school teacher. She reads us stories about Jesus. I learn that Jesus loves me. We play games and sing songs and make things and have lots of fun. I wish I could go to Sunday school every day."

Jason (age 9) - "We learn lots of things in Sunday school. This year I've learned all of the books of the Bible and the Ten Commandments. My teacher makes learning fun. Sometimes she gives us a small prize when we memorize the weekly Bible verse. I invited one of my friends to come with me to Sunday school. He thinks it's neat, too."

Carla (age 13) - "Sunday school has helped me learn that being a Christian is really 'cool.' Not all my friends at school go to church. I've learned that I don't have to be ashamed of Jesus and the things I know he wants me to do. I have lots of good friends in Sunday school, too."

Tim (age 17) - "The peer pressure that teenagers face in high school today is sometimes unbelievable. But, in Sunday school, I've learned what's right and what is wrong. I've learned that the Bible is my personal guide and has answers to all the questions I have about life and how I should live. When I don't understand a Bible passage, we talk about it in Sunday school and our teacher helps me understand what it means and how to apply it to my life. Knowing what the Bible says and how to use it helps you be ready to do the right thing when you face pressures to drink or smoke or do drugs and stuff."

Jerry (age 20) - "I'm a college student. Since I'm away from home I don't always get to Sunday school every week. I do try to go to Sunday school at a real friendly church near campus, when I can. Even though I'm not at home anymore, it makes me feel good to know that the teacheer of the college-age Sunday school class and the other people of my Sunday school haven't forgotten me. The often send me cards and 'care packages.' Knowing they care about me and are praying for me helps me overcome the homesickness and not drift away from God and His love."

Lisa (age 24) - "I guess you'd call me a newly wed. Bill and I have been married for about 18 months. I just learned that I'm expecting our first child. Every since Bill and I were married we've been attending Sunday school every week. We think it's important to build our new home on a Christian foundation. We try to have a time of Bible reading and prayer together every day, too. Sure, we have our problems and questions. But, we are very thankful for our Sunday school class of other young couples who can help us answer those questions and share their experiences with us."

Carl (age 30) - "I will admit that I haven't always gone to Sunday school. but since we now have two shall children, we thought it was important to have them attend Sunday school. The first several weeks I just took the kids and dropped them off at the church. But then a very nice couple from the church came to visit us and invited my wife and me to come to Sunday school, too. They explained to us that knowing what the Bible was all about was important to every person of every age. We've been attending now for several months and we both enjoy it very much. I find it very helpful and refreshing to start each week learning more about Jesus and how he wants us to live."

Mary (age 36) - "I'm single mother. I've been divorced for just a little over a year. After my husband left me, many of the people who were 'our' friends were no longer willing to be 'my' friend. Thank God for my Sunday school class. All through my problems they have been really supportive and loving. Seveal pers within the class have become very special friends. I get together with them often for a cup of coffee, just to talk. Last week I received a card from one of the other persons in my class. It just said, 'Thinking of and praying for you." When I read the card I started to cry. It's really great to know someone loves and cares about you."

Tom (age 45) - "Is a person ever too old to attend Sunday school? Even through I'm only middle-aged, I got to thinking that I really didn't need to go to Sunday school. Then I lost my job and went through a sort of 'mid-life crisis.' It made me realize that everyone of every age needs God. It you need God, you need His Word. If you want to learn about His Word, you need to go to Sunday school. I never cease to be amazed at how God helps me get that special message He knows I need each week."

Sylvia (age 55) - "I've been a Sunday school teacher for over 30 years. Some people who have taught for so long would probably be tired and ready to quit, but I love it! The children I teach keep me young! I love the challenge of creating new and exciting lessons that the children will find interesting. Through the years I've led many of the children in our church to the Lord within my Sunday school class. That makes me feel very good! Knowing that the Lord can still use me in his work, through the Sunday school, also makes me feel good. I'm very thankful for the Sunday school and I'll continue to work for it for as long as I can."

Luther (age 67) - "I retired about 2 years ago. I've always been a very active person. Right after I retired I felt rather useless. I didn't know what to do. I just sat around the house. One Sunday we got to talking in our Sunday school class and I discovered that I wasn't the only person who felt that way. So we decided to do something about it. We're now going around in the community doing odd jobs for the needy, the shut-ins and other senior citizens who aren't able to do some things for themselves. Sunday school has helped me find a renewed purpose for my life."

Sunday school is for everyone! Whatever your age, it should be for you, too. We invite you to attend Sunday school this week and every week!

The Bible tells us, "Call together all the men, women, and that everyone may hear God's Word...and learn to obey his teachings faithfully." (Deut. 31:12)

Sunday is...A Choice For Life! Make it YOUR Choice, too!

Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112 

Sunday School...Who Cares?

Sunday school? Who cares about Sunday school anymore?

I was going to tell you a little about Sunday school and invite you to "Meet Me In Sunday School," but I know you wouold probably just say, "Who cares about Sunday school?"

WHO CARES that back in 1780 a man named Robert Raikes was concerned about the gangs of unsupervised youth that roamed the streets of Gloucester, England?

WHO CARES that this young printer established classes to teach these uneducated youth the "3-R's" and the Bible? And WHO CARES that within a few years these classes had become so successful that they had been established in almost every town and village in England? These early classes grew into what we know as Sunday school, but then, WHO CARES?

WHO CARES that the Sunday school was instrumental in bringing the Word of God to the frontiers of America? WHO CARES that groups such as the American Sunday School Union established thousands of Sunday schools throughout the Colonies and into the West? And, WHO CARES that many of these Sunday schools grew into churches - churches that were, in many cases, the only Christian influence in these wild frontier areas? But then, again, WHO CARES?

WHO CARES that many great Americans have been dedicated to the word of Christ through the Sunday school and have testified to the great influence of the Sunday school in their lives? Men such as Francis Scott Key, Daniel Webster, John Wanamaker, Henry J. Heinz and many others. H. J. Heinz, for example, wrote, "To me, the Sunday school has paid the greatest possible divident, second only to that of a godly mother." WHO CARES?

And WHO CARES that men, women, children and youth continue to find help and strength through the study of God's Word, the Bible, in Sunday schools of today and that lives continue to be changed by the grace of God through the work of the Sunday school? The lives of people just like you!

WHO CARES? Well, for one thing, people who are a part of Sunday school care!

SUNDAY SCHOOLS ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE! They care about each other. They care about the communities in which they live. They care about the world. And, they especially care about YOU, whoever you are! They care because they know the joy, strength, peace and love to be found within the pages of God's Word, the Bible, and they want everyone to find this same treasure for their own lives. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path..." (Psalm 119:105)

Sunday schools are people who care about your relationship with God and want to help you find Him as your own personal Lord and Savior, and they want to help you grow in Him and His love.

WHO CARES that Sunday schools are over 225 years old? YOU SHOULD CARE! Not simply because of the past history of Sunday school, but because that glorious history is the foundation of the Sunday schools of today - Sunday schools that care about YOU! So, won't you...

Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street
Harrisburg, PA 17112 

There's A Friend Waiting For YOU In Sunday School

What is a friend? The dictionary says that it is "a person who knows and likes another; one who favors and supports someone."

We all need friends! We all need other persons who know us, like us, favor us and support us. But, where can you find a friend in today's world?

In today's busy and hectic world, many people look for friends in places like the internet chatrooms, clubs and bars, but are these really the places where we should be looking for real friends?

One of the best places to look for new friends is in Sunday school. The people that you meet in Sunday school and at other church related activities are good, loving and caring people who can become true friends to those who are genuinely looking for a close, supportive relationship with others.

Why would the people in Sunday school be interested in being your friend? First of all, they have found the truest friend of all, Jesus, and want to follow his example of being loving, caring and supportive of others. And, they also believe the words of His "Great Commandment" in Mark 12:30, where they are told that they should "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all you strength. ...(and) Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Jesus is truly the very best friend that anyone could ever have. In Him we find strength, hope, love, comfort, support and much, much more. In fact, Jesus Christ was willing to leave the comforts of heaven and come to this earth to live as a human. But, His life is not just about being a human or about His life and ministry. No, the most important aspect of His life is that He was willing to give His life on the cross - for YOU.

He was willing to take your place and die as a sacrifice in YOUR place. And, through His life, death and resurrection, He made it possible for every person - YOU - to have the hope of savation and eternal life, if YOU will only believe in Him and ask Him into YOUR heart.

Jesus Christ is, indeed, the truest friend you could ever find! So, please, read your Bible to learn more about Him and then come to Sunday school this week and every week. There are friends waiting for you in Sunday school. There are Sunday schoo people waiting to be your friends. And, Jesus Christ is waiting to be your ultimate friend!

PA State Sunday School Assn.
5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112 

"Want A Better Sunday School?" 

FRONT COVER: Want A Better Sunday School?

INSIDE (in large, bold letters): GET TO WORK!


- Work to deepen your own personal faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.
- Tell others about the importance of Sunday school and the Bible, and how they have changed your life.
- Invite your friends and others to attend Sunday school with you.
- Make visitors feel welcome.
- Be a friend to others.
- Actively participate in your Sunday school class by supporting your teacher and by sharing your experiences and understanding.
- Offer your help and encouragement to others.
- Tell absentees and dropouts that they are missed.
- PRAY for your Sunday school, you teachers and leaders, the children and youth of your Sunday school, and more.


PA State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street, Harrisburg, PA 17112

Why Is Sunday School Important?

Here are 33 reasons why YOU and YOUR FAMILY should see Sunday school as important and why YOU should attend Sunday school each week...
- Its primary purpose is to teach all persons of all ages about God, the Bible and God's will for our lives.
- It fills the spiritual needs that all people have.
- Through it, God's will is being done.
- It helps all people grow closer to Jesus Christ.
- It shows us examples and models for a Christian life.
- It shows us God's will for each of our lives.
- God's Word is being studied and taught.
- It helps people find answers to specific problems, needs & concerns.
- It gets people thinking.
- It helps people find strength to meet temptation.
- It challenges people to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
- It encourages people to share God's love.
- It calls people to service to God and others.
- It helps people develop closer personal Christian relationships with others.
- People are taught according to their age, ability, education and interests.
- Through it, God's work is being done.
- It has the goal of developing true disciples for Jesus Christ.
- It is enjoyable and fun (or should be).
- It helps people find their truest friend, Jesus Christ.
- It helps develop Christian leadership skills.
- It calls people to Christian accountability.
- It is the teaching arm of the church.
- It allows students to really "dig in" to God's Word as they ask questions, discuss and share personal insights and experiences.
- It is held on the Lord's Day, a Holy Day we should strive to keep holy.
- All persons need to know what the Bible - our "handbook for life" - says for them.
- It helps people of all ages put Biblical teaching into their hearts.
- It calls people to put classroom lessons into action in their day-to-day lives.
- It encourages people to witness and reach out to others.
- It helps people develop Christian and moral character.
- It helps lay a spiritual foundation in the lives of children and youth by helping them learn important Bible lessons for their lives.
- It challenges all persons of all ages to accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
- It brings entire families together into a learning environment that can be carried on through the week in their homes.
- Each person's life, family, marriage, etc. needs to be based on Jesus Christ and the Bible.