2016 "Celebrate September As
Sunday School Month" Kit

Each year the P.S.S.S.A. urges churches across the nation to "Celebrate September as Sunday School Month."  This year, the theme for the "Sunday School Month" celebration is "Did You Pray Today?"  Actually, the material for the celebration has been updated from the program of the same name from 2006.  This was one of our most popular September programs and we have had several requests to make the program available once again.

Material in the FREE "Sunday School Month Kit" includes a planning guide, four reproducible bulletin inserts, two brand new reproducible posters and much more.

To request your FREE copy of the "Did You Pray Today?" program kit, E-mail us at  Be sure to give us your complete name, mailing address and phone number.  

“I Love Sunday School” 
Promotional Program
Item #010
Price: $25.00

Product Description:  The "I Love Sunday School" PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM is packaged in a kit that contains a 30-page planning guidebook, a DVD with ten different videos about the importance of Sunday school, an audio CD with a 27-minute mini-teacher training workshop on "Preparing a Better Sunday School Lesson," five different reproducible insert sheets, four different reproduciuble daily devotional sheets, nine different full color Sunday school posters and much more, including over a dozen different "Sunday School Stuff" samples and three of our most popular books, including an actual copy of our newly revised "Check Out What's Cool in Sunday School" book, plus information on how you can download two of our other books ("The Five Habits of Highly Effective Bible Teachers" and "The Great Bible Challenge" from our website.