Bookmarks & Postcards

“I Love Sunday School” Card Bookmark
Item #210
Price: Just $ .10 each (reduced from $ .15)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Do you love Sunday school?  This card bookmark list five very important reasons why everyone should love Sunday school.  The bookmarks are about 2-1/4" x 8-1/2" in size.  They are printed in dark red and black ink on cream colored cardstock.

 “Sunday School Prayer Card” Bookmark
Item #220
Price: Just $ .10 each (reduced from $ .15)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This card bookmark lists 31 different prayer suggestions that you and the members of your church and Sunday school can use as reminders to pray each day for their church and Sunday school.  The bookmarks are printed in maroon ink on "parchment look" cardstock.  They are about 2-1/4" x 8-1/2" in size.

“’Smile…Jesus Loves You’ Reasons for Attending Sunday School” Laminated Bookmark
Item #230
Price: $ .40 each

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This laminated card bookmark is about 2-1/4" x 5-1/2" in size.  It contains four reasons why everyone (especially children) should be in Sunday school.  The card is printed in full color.

“Smile…Jesus Loves You” Invitation Postcard
Item #250
Price: $ .10 each (reduced from $ .15)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This invitation postcard is about 3-3/4" x 5-1/2" in size.  It is printed on 110# index cardstock.  The "Smile..." logo and message are printed in color.  There is room at the bottom of the card for you to write your own personal invitation message.

“There’s A Friend Waiting For You In Sunday School” Invitation Postcard
Item #260
Price: $ .10 each (reduced from $ .15)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This invitation postcard is about 3-3/4" x 5-1/2" in size.  It is printed on 110# index cardstock.  The message is printed in color.  There is room at the bottom of the card for you to write your own personal invitation message.