CDs & DVDs

"The Art of Invitation"
Item #330
Price $19.95

Description:  Did you know that only 10% of all churches in America grew in 2012?  Why?  We are also told that only 2% of all Christians invited even one person to come to their church or Sunday school in that same year!  If so few people are involved in witnessing and inviting others, is it any wonder that so many churches are not growing?

In an effort to get more people involved in witnessing and invitation, the Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association has created a brand new video workshop entitled "The Art of Invitation."  The workshop is designed to help all Christians learn why and how they should be sharing their faith through a witness or invitation to their friends, relatives and others.  

The three-hour workshop is contained on three DVDs plus the kit also contains a booklet with activities and other information.

The price of the DVD kit is just $19.95 (plus $5.50 postage).  To order, call 1-800-358-2303.

“Before You Say No” CD
Item #310
Price: $4.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  As you work to recruit new teachers for your Sunday school, do you give those prospects anything to help them as they consider your invitation? Well, we now have an audio CD that you can give to every prospective teacher that you are trying to recruit. On the cover of the CD case you will see this message directed to the prospect, "So, you've been asked to be a teacher in your church of Sunday school...BEFORE YOU SAY 'NO!'...please listen to this CD." The CD is designed to help the prospect make a well-thought-out, prayerfully considered decision about becoming a teacher. The CD also comes with a sheet that contains information and instructions for churches to help them as they work to find and recruit new teachers. The CDs are priced at just $4.95 each. We suggest that you order several copies so that you have them on hand to give to each possible teacher that you try to recruit.

“What Every Sunday School Teacher Needs To Know” 4 CD Set
Item #320
Price: $8.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This audio workshop includes 24 different 12-minute lessons on 4 CDs, with training related to all areas of teaching in the church and Sunday school.
This is an in-depth training workshop for all church and Sunday school teachers. The kit includes 24 different 12-minute (approximate) lessons on 4 audio CDs. By listening just a few minutes each day, teachers can learn the skills and methods to be even better and more effective in their work for the Lord. The kit is designed for use by individual teachers to listen as they work around the house, drive, walk, etc. Churches purchasing the Audio CD Kit have our permission to make copies of the each of the CDs so that each of their teachers can have their very own set. 
