Pens & Pencils

“Sunday School…It’s Cool” “Mood Pencil”
Item #620
Price: $ .50 each

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  These quality lead pencils magically change color when held in the warmth of your hand, changing from gold to bright yellow.  Each pencil has the "Sunday School... It's Cool" message printed in black.

“Did You Read Your Bible Today?” “Mood Pencil”
Item #610
Price: $ .50 each

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  These quality lead pencils magically change color when held in the warmth of your hand, changing from purple to bright pink.  Each pencil has the "Did You Read Your Bible Today?" message printed in black.  Each pencil also has the P.S.S.S.A.'s website address.

“To Teach Sunday School It To Touch Lives Forever” Pen
Item #630
Price: $1.00 each

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  These high quality pens are turquois and black, with silver highlights.  Each pen has the "To Teach Sunday School Is To Touch Lives Forever" message printed in white.  The pens write with black ink.