“Check Out What’s Cool In Sunday School” Book (newly revised)
Item #910
Price: $7.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Looking for ideas on how you can promote and celebrate Sunday school? This book was recently revised and now contains 229 ideas that any church could use to celebrate and promote Sunday school. The book contains a wealth of ideas for special events and activities that any church can use to promote and celebrate their Sunday school and other Christian education programs. This book is great for helping to plan a special Sunday school celebration or emphasis at any church. The book is spiral bound and has a laminated cover. 

“The Great Bible Challenge” Book
Item #920
Price: $7.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  The importance of the Bible as our guide for daily living cannot be over stated. Here at the P.S.S.S.A., we believe that anything that helps to focus attention on the Bible and creates interest in God’s Word is good. And, that’s why we have created the book, “The Great Bible Challenge.” This book contains a collection of over 165 ideas and suggestions for celebrating, teaching and having fun learning about the Bible. The 106-page book is spiral bound and has a laminated cover.

“Five Habits of Highly Effective Bible Teachers” Book
Item #930
Price: $3.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This is a little booklet that every teacher in the church should read. The booklet, written by Dr. William Niblette, has 24 pages and contains a wealth of information that can help every teacher - no matter how long they have been teaching - be even better and more effective in their work, by helping them get into several new habits. The booklet has a laminated cover and is spiral bound.

“Starting & Teaching Focused Bible Study Groups In Your Church” Book
Item #940
Price: $5.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Focused Bible Study Groups are groups that combine an activity of common interest with a time of Bible study. This book can help you start such groups in your church.  This is a comprehensive guide to starting and teaching focused Bible studies (groups that combine an activity of common interest - like aerobics, dieting, hobbies, etc. - with a time of Bible study) and other small group Bible studies. The book contains lots of help and ideas for all Sunday school and church teachers and leaders. The book, written by P.S.S.S.A. Executive Director, Rodney Pry, contains 64 pages, has a laminated cover and is spiral bound. 

“The Missing”  
(Reaching & Teaching Young Adults
Through The 21st Century Church)
Item #950
Price: $8.95

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This book is designed to help churches reach and teach young adults. This book looks at what today's young adults - age 18 to 30 - are really like and what they are looking for in a church. It also looks at the 12 basic elements that are involved in successful young adult ministry and a variety of programs through which these elements are being combined to reach and teach the young adults in churches across the nation. The book was written by P.S.S.S.A. Executive Director, Rodney Pry, following extensive research and consultations with churches that have successful young adult ministries and many actual young adults. The book contains 116 pages and is spiral bound. The forward to the book was written by Pastor Michael Burns, founder of "Burned By God," a youth and young adult ministry.