REASON #8 - Sunday School Helps To Develop Christian Leadership And Teaching Skills
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness. (Matthew 10:1)
Sometime ago a Sunday school teacher from Baltimore celebrated her eightieth birthday. On this special day, her church held a special celebration to observe her very special birthday and her many years of teaching in their Sunday school. Over the years, dozens of students from her Sunday school class went on to become doctors, lawyers, educators, ministers, skilled technicians, nurses and workers in many other honorable professions.
A newspaper got wind of the celebration and sent a reporter to interview the guest of honor. He asked the woman what her secret was for her great success. She said, “Oh, I don’t know. When I look back I realize how ill-prepared I was to teach when I started. All I really knew was that God loved me and he expected me to love him and my students. So, that’s what I did. I had nothing to give my students ut love, and that’s still the most important thing that I try to give each and every child that comes through my class.”
What should be the qualifications for being a teacher in the church and Sunday school? In many churches it seems that the only thing they are looking for is a warm body. But is that really enough? No! We need teachers who are truly Christians, who live a good, exemplary Christian life, and who truly love the students they are called to teach.
Would you be interested in serving as a teacher or a teacher’s helper in your Sunday school? You don’t need to have great knowledge of the Bible and great teaching skills…those are things you can learn. All you really need is to love the Lord, live a Christ-centered life, and love the students you would be asked to teach. Are you interested? Talk with the leaders of your Sunday school or Christian education committee for more information.
Questions To Think About: What skills and knowledge should a good Sunday school teacher bring to his or her work for the Lord? What can teachers do to increase these things?
Prayer Suggestion: Pray for the persons who are in leadership positions within your church and Sunday school.
A Call To Action: Search the Internet to find a good, positive site with Christian activities, videos, etc. for children. Share this information with the parents of your church via social media.