REASON #11 - Sunday School Is Important Because It Is Held On The Lord’s Day
So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all his work. (Genesis 2:1 & 2)
Billy Graham was once asked about working on Sunday. In response, the famous evangelist said, “It should not detract from a man’s reverence to do what is required. Even Jesus spoke about the ox in the ditch on the Sabbath. But if your ox gets in the ditch every Sabbath, you should either get rid of the ox or fill up the ditch.”
To our great-grandfathers, Sunday was the “Holy Sabbath.” To our grandfathers it was the “Lord’s Day.” To our fathers it was just “Sunday.” But, to most people today, it is simply the “weekend!”
In the first chapter of Genesis, we read that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Following his example, God wants each of us to take a break and to have a day of rest each week. Why? Because, in his infinite wisdom, God knew that we all needed to take a break and have some time away from work for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual renewal.
In these modern times when Sunday seems to be no different from any other day of the week, it is important for everyone to take a break and make Sunday a day of family, rest and worship. And, certainly there is no better way to spend part of your Sunday than by attending Sunday school with your entire family.
Questions To Think About: Do you try to make Sunday - the Lord’s Day - a special day of rest, worship and family? What are you now doing? What more could you do?
Prayer Suggestion: Pray for God’s leading in your own personal observance of the Lord’s Day.
A Call To Action: Use your social media contacts to share a message or quote about the importance of the proper observance of the Lord’s Day.