One Of The Most Important Jobs You Will Ever Have!
Simply stated, Jesus Christ is important because there is no other way! Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, every person born into this world has been born into sin. Throughout the Old Testament, you find people trying to “earn” God’s love and forgiveness through their sacrifices and by keeping the Law. But, try as they might, no one was good enough or could make enough sacrifices to earn God’s reward. The only hope for mankind was for Jesus Christ, God’s perfect Son, to come into this world and to give himself as the supreme sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.
Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have the assurance that, if we believe in Him, we too will have eternal life. The only hope for any person is to accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. None of us are good enough to earn heaven. Our only hope is to believe and accept this great gift that God freely offers to each of us.
Accepting Jesus Christ is the first and most important step in the Christian walk. However, it is not the end; it is just the beginning – the beginning of a life-long walk with Jesus Christ as a Christian. Growing in Christ, as we strive to learn more about Him and His will for our lives, should be a never-ending pursuit for every Christian.
So, let’s think about this once again: Why is Sunday school important? Sunday school is important because it is the place where all persons of all ages can come together to really “dig in” to God’s Word – the Bible – and where we learn more about the messages that it holds for each of us.
Why is the Bible important? It is primarily important because of its central character, Jesus Christ!
And, why is Jesus Christ important? Because, as He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
That’s what it’s all about! As a Sunday school teacher, you must see that your primary purpose is to tell others about Jesus Christ and His great love for them. It is a message that everyone – all persons of all ages – needs to hear!
1. Search your Bible to find other verses that tell of the importance of Jesus Christ.
2. Why is it important for Christians to tell others about Christ?
3. What is the responsibility of a Sunday school teacher to tell others about Jesus Christ and to make sure that each of his or her students has accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior?