One Of The Most Important Jobs You Will Ever Have!


What is the primary purpose of a teacher? A teacher is to “teach,” right? At its most basic level, teaching is communication. The dictionary defines communication as “impacting or interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs.” But, teaching isn’t really teaching until what takes place? Learning! And what is learning? Learning is change…change is a person’s thinking, understanding and/or actions.

Communication is not a single element process; it involves the one who sends the message, the message itself, the method or mode used to convey the message and the hearer, the one who receives the message. The teacher sends the message, but if that message is to do anything and if learning and change are to take place, the student must hear and understand what is being communicated. Effective communication of a lesson involves the teacher (who sends the message), the student (who receives the message), the message itself (the lesson), and the channel over which the message is communicated (the method or methods used to teach the lesson).

All four parts of the communication process are important and necessary for the communication to be successful. But remember, the teacher – the point where the communication process begins – is the one who selects both the message and the method used to teach the lesson. The teacher needs to know the message that they want to communicate. They must prepare the lesson well and select the words and methods that they will use to channel the message to the students. If they are not doing a good job as they initiate the communication, what the student can or will get out of the lesson will be greatly decreased.

And remember, an effective Sunday school teacher does much more than just “teach.” The teacher is the “shepherd” of the class. The teacher is the instructor or guide for the lesson and the one to whom the class members will look as their example and leader. The teacher should be actively involved in working to lead each class member to Jesus Christ, working to expand the class membership and invite new members to the class, planning and promoting class activities, encouraging and counseling class members, visiting with class members and their families, contacting absentees to let them know that they are missed, and praying with and for class members and their needs and concerns.

Remember, your primary purpose as a teacher in the Sunday school and church is to do all that you can to bring all persons to Jesus Christ and then to help them grow in the knowledge of His Word and the application of the scriptures to their day-to-day lives. It’s a big responsibility, but certainly one of the most important jobs that any person could ever have!


1. What special talents or abilities to you think God has given to you? How does He want you to use these talents and abilities to serve Him and other people? Does He want you to use these talents and abilities as a teacher in the Sunday school or church?

2. Have you truly made Jesus Christ the number one priority of your life? What might you do to deepen your faith and your relationship with Jesus Christ?

3. Do you agree that teachers should never stop learning and continually strive to broaden their knowledge of the Bible and the teaching methods and tools that are available today? If you agree, how might you do this?

Thank you for taking part in our “Teaching in the Church and Sunday School…One of the Most Important Jobs a Person Could Every Have” workshop. We hope that you will now complete the “Workshop Evaluation & Response Form” below. We also hope that you will plan to be a part of one of the Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association’s live workshop training events in your area. Keep watching our website and newsletters for information about events coming to your area. We also hope that you will encourage your church to host one of your workshop events for your church and community.  

Now that you have completed the "Preparation For Teaching" workshop, we invite you to give us your comments about the workshop in the "Contact Us" response form below.  If you would like to receive a free "certificate of completion" to show that you have completed this workshop, please tell us in the "message block."  Also, be sure to include your complete mailing address so that we can mail the certificate to you.

(This workshop contains updated material from the P.S.S.S.A.’s “What Every Sunday School Teacher Need To Know” workshop plus additional original material.)

For Additional Information, Contact...

The Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association
5915 Fox Street
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone:  717-652-1930